Thursday, February 6, 2025

Home Invasion in Auburn


  • 5 February 2025

This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information to assist the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office in investigating three burglaries from the month of January that occurred on Dirksen Parkway.  On January 14th, and again on January 16th,  an unknown male suspect forced entry to the rear door of Linda’s Gaming Parlor, 3755 North Dirksen Parkway. In both instances, the suspect caused damage to the gaming machines and removed cash boxes. On January 28th, Parkway Pub, 315 North Dirksen Parkway, was burglarized also. The suspect forced entry to a rear door of the business, and damaged the gaming machines while stealing approximately $8,000 from the machines.  The burglaries all occurred in the early morning hours. Images of the individuals can be found on this website, If you have any information regarding this incident or can identify the individual, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 217-788-8427, submit a tip on this website, or use the P3 app. If your tip results in an arrest you could receive a cash reward up to $2500.  Remember Crime Stoppers only wants your information, not your name.



Armed Robbery to a Person (Juvenile)

  • 7 April 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week April 7, 2016 Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   Crime Stoppers is looking for help in solving an Armed Robbery to a 15 year old juvenile who was riding his bicycle after leaving a convenience store near Pasfield and Allen on the evening of March 30th. There’s surveillance video of the two suspects, one a black male adult and the other a white male adult, who flagged down the juvenile. Once he stopped, black male suspect produced a black semi-automatic pistol and took the juvenile victims belongings. The surveillance photos of the suspects can be seen on the Crime Stopper website the image of the suspects indicates them to be approximately 20 years of age. The two suspects stole the victims blue bicycle and a backpack which contained clothing items, shoes and an iPhone 6 charger.   If you can identify the suspects in this armed robbery, please anonymously call our tipline 788-8427. If you prefer, you can leave your tip on the website or text your tip to us, instructions for texting a tip are on the tab on this web site. Help solve this armed robbery and earn cash reward. Remember, we don’t want your name, we only want your information.

Robbery to a Person, Aggravated Battery

  • 4 April 2016
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CrimeS toppers Crime of the Week March 31, 2016 Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties. Crime Stoppers is looking for help in solving an Armed Robbery and Theft from a person which occurred as a female was returning home from work on N Park Ave at 1130pm on March 28th. As the victim exited her vehicle at her home, she was attacked and battered by two subjects who kicked her and struck her with an object leaving her unconscious. When the victim regained consciousness, she discovered her backpack missing which contained a silver Apple Mac book, a white Apple iPad, a rose gold iPhone 6s, and an Michael Kors gold watch among the items missing. The victim could not describe the two persons sponsible for this cowardly act however she believed them to be young.  If you have any information about this armed robbery and aggravated battery we urge you to anonymously call the Crime Stoppers tip line at 788-8427 or leave a tip on the Crime Stopper website  You can also text a tip to us, instructions are on the website. Help us solve this senseless armed robbery and earn a cash reward.  

Armed Robberies

  • 24 March 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week March 24, 2016  Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties. Crime Stoppers is ​attempting to help police solve a series of robberies which began with a robbery to the Dollar General on North Grand east on February 23rd.  Since then there have been several robberies with similar characteristics to dollar stores and convenience stores throughout the Springfield area and police believe that the same person may be responsible for most, if not all, of these robberies. The suspect is a black male in his late 20’s or 30’s who stands nearly 6 foot tall with a slender build and a thin beard or goatee. Crime Stoppers has posted surveillance photos of the perpetrator on this website  Look at the images closely, they’re pictures of someone police want to hold responsible for his crimes. Crime Stoppers pays up to $1000 cash for information leading to the arrest of criminals, and we want to see this person arrested and put in jail. Call us on our anonymous tip line at 788-8427, leave a tip on the website, or leave a text tip (instructions are on the tab on this page).  We don’t want your name, contact Crime Stoppers and earn a cash reward.  

Armed Robbery

  • 18 March 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of theWeek March  17, 2016 Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   Crime Stoppers is lookingfor help in solving an Armed Robbery which occurred at Family Video on South MacArthur Blvd shortly after midnight on March 7th.  In the incident, a masked white male subject,who had been hiding behind a vehicle in the parking lot, produced a silver handgun as he confronted an employee who was leaving the store. After taking the cash deposit, the suspect left in a vehicle which had been parked in an alley near the business. The suspect stood approximately 5’9” to 6 foot tall and had a medium build. The suspect vehicle leaving the scene was a grey four door sedan.  Call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427 if you have any information you have about this armed robbery. You can also leave a tip on this website or text a tip to us, instructions are on the tab on this page of the Crime Stopper website. Help us solve this armed robbery, earn a cash reward, and help put a criminal behind bars- call Crime Stoppers.    

Unsolved Homicide 2015

  • 11 March 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week March 10, 2016 Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties Crime Stoppers wants to bring a homicide that occurred last year back to public attention as we seek to assist police in solving this senselless crime. On may 10th of last year Neon Bryant was leaving the Capitol City Elk's Club at Martin Luther King and Brown Street when he was ambushed by a lone gunman. police are looking for tips to identify the perpetrator and hold him responsible for taking this man's life. Crime Stoppers wants to remind you that we'll pay $1000 for tips in this homicide if they lead to the identity and arrest of the person who did it. We don't want to know who you are, you'll be completely anonymous and we'll never need to know your name. The $1000 reward will be paidin cash. Call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427, text a tip by followinginstructions on this page, or leave a tip by following instructions on the tab on this page. This criminal needs to be taken off the street.

Aggravated Battery, Vehicular Invasion

  • 25 February 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of theWeek February 25, 2016 Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   The Crime of the Week this week involves a battery to a cab driver which occurred at approximately 7:45 pm on February 20th. In the incident, a cab driver was parked in a parking lot at 9th and North Grand in Springfield. Suddenly, a black male who stood approximately 5 foot 10 inches tall and had a slender build and long dreadlocks, approached the cab and broke a side window out of the cab. The subject then struck the cab driver several times in the face before the driver could get out of his parked vehicle.    Crime Stoppers wants to know who was responsible for this Aggravated Battery and Vehicular Invasion and we’ll pay cash if you can provide information and it leads to an arrest. Remember all tips to Crime Stoppers are anonymous, we don’t want to know your name and we’ll make arrangements to get the cash reward to you without knowing who you are. Call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427, text a tip by following the instructions on this website, or leave a tip on the site. Help get another criminal off the street.  

Texting While Driving

  • 18 February 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week February 18, 2016 Officer Mike Badger Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   With our early spring-likeweather, Crime Stoppers wants to alert the public that Spring is also the time of the year that drivers tend to relax and fall into bad habits as road and weather conditions improve. Police respond to traffic crashes year round however, with the change in driving conditions, the causes of crashes also change. In good weather there is always an increase in crashes due to distracted driving, particularly crashes due to texting while driving. Texting while driving not only leads to more rear end crashes- it can and has caused severe injury crashes and even fatalities. Don’t make a mistake that can impact your life forever, don’t text and drive. Although Crime Stoppers doesn’t take tips regarding traffic and motorist activity, we are always looking for tips about ongoing criminal activity. If you have information we can use, call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427 or use our website, Help us solve crime in Central Illinois and please – drive safely.  

Armed Robbery to a Person

  • 29 January 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week February 4, 2016   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   Crime Stoppers is looking for tips about an armed robbery to a person that took place on January 15th in Springfield.  At approximately 10 pm the victim agreed to give a person unknown to him a ride during the frigid weather that evening. After the suspect got into the vehicle, however, he produced a black semi-automatic handgun and committed the robbery. The suspect was described as being a black male under 30 years of age with a thin build wearing a black jacket and a black beanie cap. He’d been seen in the parking lot of Shop N Save on North Grand prior to the robbery.   If you have any tips about this robbery in which a good samaritan was helping a stranger, give Crime Stoppers a call at 788-8427. You can also leave a tip on our website, or you can text a tip by using the keyword TIP672 and sending the information to CRIMES.  Crime Stoppers pays up to $1000 for anonymous tips that lead to arrests, help us solve this crime.  

1000 Tips in 2015!

  • 17 January 2016
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  Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week January 21, 2016 Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties Crime Stoppers is looking for information about a series of burglaries and thefts at video stores in the area during the past several weeks. Break-in’s have been reported at Family Video stores in Sherman, Southern View, and at two locations in Springfield –one on West Lawrence at Durkin Drive in December and most recently on January 13th on South MacArthur. Some of the video stores were entered by unknown persons who stole cash from the business; others had cash stolen from the business. An adjoining business to the Southern View video store was also victimized in an armed robbery on November 26th after the video store had been burglarized in October. Police believe that these burglaries, robberies, and thefts may be related.  If you have any tips or can help police with any information about these video store incidents, give Crime Stoppers a call at 788-8427. This website can also be utilized for leaving anonymous tips. For those of you who prefer texting, you can leave an anonymous text tip by using the keyword TIP672, then enter the tip information you have, and send it to CRIMES. Instructionsfor texting are also on this site. Tipsters can earn up to $1000 for anonymous tips that lead to an arrest, call Crime Stoppers today.    

Hit and Run

  • 7 January 2016
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week January 7, 2016   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties   On December 21st at 2:45 in the afternoon a red Toyota Prius turned onto Madison eastbound from MacArthur. After traveling a short distance and changing lanes to get onto the Walnut street exit, the Toyota struck a motorcycle which was also eastbound. The Toyota continued eastbound and briefly stopped at the Walnut exit near Douglas Park before continuing onto the exit. Police are looking to identity the hit and run driver and hope you can help. The red Prius should have damage near the rear wheel on the driver’s side and we have a photo of the vehicle will appear later on the Crime Stopper website. The motorcyclist was hospitalized for injuries in the accident.   If you can help police locate the driver or the vehicle involved in this hit and run, Crime Stoppers will pay you a cash reward. Call our tip line with any help you can give us at 788-8427. You can also text a tip by using the keyword TIP672, then enter the information you have, and send it to CRIMES. The photo of the suspect vehicle will soon be on our website, check it out and leave us an anonymous tip.    

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  • Go to this site
  • Enter your details and click "Submit Tip"

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  • Call Crime Stoppers at 217-788-8427 (1-800-397-2288)

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Instructions on how to send an anonymous text tip:

  • Select text "Messaging" or "SMS" (short messaging service) on your phone’s main menu.
  • Create (compose) a new message, beginning with the keyword TIP672 (not case sensitive) in the body of the message.
  • Send the message to the short code of 274637 (Crimes)
  • Your initial submission will trigger an auto response from the secure transaction server.
  • You will receive brief notes and a unique code number to that response.
  • Text STOP to 274637 to cancel. Text HELP to 274637 for help. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.
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