Thursday, February 6, 2025



  • 5 February 2025

This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information to assist the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office in investigating three burglaries from the month of January that occurred on Dirksen Parkway.  On January 14th, and again on January 16th,  an unknown male suspect forced entry to the rear door of Linda’s Gaming Parlor, 3755 North Dirksen Parkway. In both instances, the suspect caused damage to the gaming machines and removed cash boxes. On January 28th, Parkway Pub, 315 North Dirksen Parkway, was burglarized also. The suspect forced entry to a rear door of the business, and damaged the gaming machines while stealing approximately $8,000 from the machines.  The burglaries all occurred in the early morning hours. Images of the individuals can be found on this website, If you have any information regarding this incident or can identify the individual, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 217-788-8427, submit a tip on this website, or use the P3 app. If your tip results in an arrest you could receive a cash reward up to $2500.  Remember Crime Stoppers only wants your information, not your name.




  • 31 December 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 30, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties   Springfield Police are looking to identify the person who shot a 36 year old male subject on December 26th, and Crime Stoppers is hoping to help. The incident occurred at approximately 10:45 at night at the 500 block of South State Street when the victim was returning to his home. An unknown suspect approached the victim from the side of the home and subsequently fired several shots at him. The victim was struck by two of the shots and is still hospitalized though the injuries at his time are not believed to be life threatening.   Crime Stoppers operates under the premise that “For every crime committed, someone saw or heard something suspicious and someone in the community, besides the offender, has the key to solve the case”.  If you can help police with any information in this, or any, criminal investigation-call Crime Stoppers. If you leave a tip and its leads to an arrest, Crime Stoppers will pay a reward of up to $1000. Remember, the tip line is 788-8427 or you can leave a tip on this website anytime. You can also text a tip, instructions for texting is also on this page.  

Citizen Property Inventory System

  • 23 December 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 23, 2015   I’m Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties. This holiday season in place of telling you about burglaries,Crime Stoppers wants to tell you about an exciting new program that can help you keep track of your personal property and can help you recover your property if it’s stolen. This citizen property inventory system allows you not only to store serial numbers and I.D. numbers of property you own, it also allows you to store photo’s of jewelry and other personal property  on a data base you control and only you can access. The web site is  In the event of theft or natural disaster you can retrieve this valuable information for police reporting purposes or insurance purposes and it can help in the recovery of stolen items. A link to this valuable program is on this website at the bottom of the page and can also be found on the Springfield Police Department web site But don’t forget The Crime Stopper tip line 788-8427 if you have anonymous information about crimes or criminals. You can also leave a tip on this page or follow the instructions to leave a text tip. We pay cash, up to $1000, if you can help get criminals off the street.

Campus Crime Stoppers

  • 20 December 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 17, 2015   This week Crime Stoppers wants to take a minute to ask those of you who live or work in Springfield to support the new Campus Crime Stoppers programs which were formed at Lanphier, Southeast, and Springfield High Schools. These programs are run by students who want to create a better environment in their schools, a better place to learn, and a better place to enjoy their teenage years. The Campus Crime Stopper programs provide a means for students to anonymously report the criminals and violators who are responsible for so many negative things that go on in the schools. If you expand on that line of thought a little, consider what the existing Crime Stoppers program is already doing for the communities we’re a part of in Central Illinois. Crime Stoppers of Sangamon and Menard counties has help law enforcement take thousands of criminals off the streets and has recovered millions of dollars worth of drugs and stolen property. If you know someone who is responsible for criminal activity, call Crime Stoppers on the anonymous tip line 788-8427. We all want a better place to live and prosper in, and doing your part in taking criminals off the street is a great way to improve life for all of us. You can give a tip and make our community better on this web site or by text if you don’t want to call the tip line. Text instructions are also on this site, and all tips are anonymous!       Though we take tips 365 days a year, we also want to remember the holiday season and wish the best to you and your families….                                                                                                           Happy Holidays from Crime Stoppers!

Residential Burglarlies

  • 12 December 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 10, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stopper Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties Two weeks ago, with the help of observant citizens, Springfield Police were able to make an arrest of a burglary suspect who was believed to be responsible for several west side burglaries. No sooner than police took one criminal off the street, however, another series of burglaries occurred last week at west side residential areas of Springfield near the mall and north of Washington Park. We're pleased that fewer people are leaving personal property in plain view in vehicles, and there haven’t been as many reports of burglaries to vehicles so far this holiday season. Unfortunately, the spike this week in residential burglaries has put a damper on recent successes.  Keep your eyes open, report suspicious activity to police, and call Crime Stoppers with your tips on suspects. We want these criminals off the street so call 788-8427 with the tips you have. You can also leave tip information on our web site Crime Stoppers pays up to $1000 for anonymous information that leads to an arrest.    

Shots Fired at a Home

  • 3 December 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week December 3, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties Crime Stoppers needs your help in identifying the shooters in a drive-by shooting which occurred in the Springfield area recently. On November 25th at 8 o’clock in the evening several shots were fired at a home at 1913 South Grand Ave East. There were five persons in the home, including an infant, and a 15 year old male was injured when one of the dozen or so shots fired struck him in the foot. Police have suspects in the shooting and it is not believed to be a random act. This kind of senseless violence needs to end. Call Crime Stoppers with your tips and we’ll not only give you anonymity, we’ll pay you a cash reward of up to $1000 if your tip leads to an arrest. Who were the shooters and where can we find the weapon? Call us at 788-8427 or leave a tip on the Crime Stopper website Your text tips are also anonymous, you simply use the keyword tip672, then enter the information you have for us, and send it to CRIMES. You can help put an end to this foolish activity which endangers innocent life- call Crime Stoppers.

Burglaries to Vehicles

  • 15 November 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week November 12, 2015 Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties This week Crime Stoppers is looking for information about persons who have broken into vehicles while the car owners were enjoying recreational areas and parks all over the central Illinois area. There have been incidents in Springfield, Peoria, Linclon, Pekin and other communities and police believe at least some of the burglaries may be related. The Morton Illinois Police Department  has provided us with surveillance photos of suspects attempting to cash checks which were stolen from some of the vehicles and we’d like to help identify the perpetrator to see if this person is responsible for some of the burglaries and thefts from vehicles at parks in our area. The photos can be seen on our website . If you recognize the person find the “Give a Tip” tab on the site to get the information to us, we’ll pass it along to police. You can also call Crime Stoppers with your tips at 788-8427 or text a tip to us. Remember, all tips to Crime Stoppers are anonymous and you can earn a cash reward if your tip leads to and arrest.

Armed Robbery

  • 22 October 2015
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    Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week November 5, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties. This week Crime Stoppers is focusing the Crime of the Week on an armed robbery which occurred at the Subway Sandwich Shop on Dirksen near Clearlake on October 22nd at approximately 2:30 pm.  In the incident, a white male in his 30’s with spiky dark hair placed an order and then, while at the register, held a cell phone for the employee to see announcing he had a gun and that he wanted all the money. He did not say anything so other customers were not aware the robbery was in progress. The subject left with a small amount of cash in a red -mid 90’s- Chevrolet pickup truck with a wide gold or tan stripe in the middle. Crime Stoppers needs your help to identify the suspect in this case. If you have any information, call us at 788-8427. Remember, all tips we get are kept anonymous. You can also submit a tip on our website,, or you can text your tip information to us.  Help get a criminal off the street- call Crime Stoppers.


  • 14 October 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week October 15, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard counties.   This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information about a robbery which took place near Mossman and Amos to a male subject who was jogging at approximately 8:30 in the evening on September 24th.  The victim stated that three black males rode by him on bicycles and he didn’t think much about it. Minutes later he heard footsteps approaching from behind and he was suddenly struck on the side of his head by a juvenile male wearing a red jacket and a red ball cap. The suspects took a walkman from him and then ran away in an unknown direction. All three suspects were described as being in their late teens, approximately 5 foot tall with slender builds.              Call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427 with any tips you might have to help solve this crime. You can also leave a tip on the Crime Stopper website, or text your tip by typing tip 672, then enter the tip information, and sent it to CRIMES. We don’t want your name and if your anonymous information leads to the arrest, we’ll pay a cash reward.     

Residential Burglary

  • 7 October 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week October 8, 2015   Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties. This week Crime Stoppers needs your assistance in helping to solve a burglary to a residence in the 800 block of S MacArthur Blvd which took place near midnight on September 28th. In this residential burglary, witnesses observed 2 black males running out of the back of a home carrying shotguns which were later determined to have been stolen from the residence which was burglarized. The suspects were approximately 5’ 10” tall, one wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and the other was red hoodie. ID technicians were able to collect evidence from the scene, but help is needed to close the case. Do you have any information which might help put these thieves behind bars? If you do, contact Crime Stoppers. Remember, if you contact us with any tips your identity will be completely anonymous and Crime Stoppers will pay you a generous cash reward if your information leads to the arrest. You can call us at 788-8427, or you can submit your tip online at You can also text a tip to crime stoppers, instructions are on the website.  

Burglary, Theft

  • 30 September 2015
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Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week October 1, 2015 Officer Mike Badger, Crime Stoppers Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties. This week Crime Stoppers is looking for information to help solve a series of break ins to garages and maintenance buildings at both residential and commercial sites all around the Springfield area.  Various power equipment items have been stolen in the burglaries where entry has been made by force. There were times, however, when doors had weak or insufficient locking mechanisms. Help police solve these burglaries by giving Crime Stoppers your tips. We’ll pay cash and we know that the more rewards we pay, the fewer crimes there’ll be. Our mission is to help get criminals off the street and a safe community can be realized with your help. If you have any information about these incidents or the identities of the perpetrators, call Crime Stoppers at 788-8427. You can also text a tip by typing TIP672, then enter the tip information, and send the text to CRIMES.  You can also leave a tip on our website  Remember, if your tip leads to an arrest, Crime Stoppers will gladly pay a cash reward.  

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If you see a crime in progress or need to report an emergency, please call 911

Submit a Tip Online:

  • Go to this site
  • Enter your details and click "Submit Tip"

*To check on a submission go here and enter your unique submission number

Submit a Tip by Phone:

  • Call Crime Stoppers at 217-788-8427 (1-800-397-2288)

Submit a Tip by Text:

Instructions on how to send an anonymous text tip:

  • Select text "Messaging" or "SMS" (short messaging service) on your phone’s main menu.
  • Create (compose) a new message, beginning with the keyword TIP672 (not case sensitive) in the body of the message.
  • Send the message to the short code of 274637 (Crimes)
  • Your initial submission will trigger an auto response from the secure transaction server.
  • You will receive brief notes and a unique code number to that response.
  • Text STOP to 274637 to cancel. Text HELP to 274637 for help. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.
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